For order over $100. Customer Signature Required to receive package.
(Note: We will charge you the shipping cost which we have paid to UPS If package return back to us).
• Track your order with UPS tracking for delivery date to sign for your package. Or (go to UPS store pick up your package). Or (call UPS reschedule delivery day).
For order under $100. Please Track your order with UPS tracking for delivery date. Contact UPS/us (KY) Immediately in 24 hours if your package is missing on Delivered date.
• (Note: we will not responsible for your lost if you not contact UPS/ US in 2 days).
For order ship via Freight Trucking Company. Receiving pallet open or damage Note: Must take pictures and have truck driver sign the paper for QTY damage when you receiving pallet. We do NOT accept claim without pictures and papers sign by Truck Driver.